Preventing Black Mold

Preventing Black Mold starts with Moisture

Black mold is a term we’ve come to hear throughout the years when talking about water damage. An older home or humid areas of a home like the attic or basement are common areas you could suspect mold. No matter how new or old a home may be all molds require moisture to grow, which is why it’s come to be found after a flood, leak or even the bathroom shower; however, mold is not always seen. It can be hidden behind walls and under carpet due to small leaks. A key indicator that mold is present is the musty odor in the air. Yet, there are ways to prevent mold from starting.

Routine home inspections and good ventilation are key components when it comes to controlling mold. By condensing the amount of moisture that can seep into your home, the chance of black mold forming is minimized. Additionally, keeping good air flow through spaces can help reduce the chance of mold and toxic substances, which can lead to temporary health risks.

Though mold can be prevented, there are unexpected happenings, such as a pipe burst, that is uncontrollable and unpredictable. If you find mold in your home or workplace, it’s best to contact a professional. By quickly eliminating the mold infestation, it will save you from long term damage repair and potential health risks.

For more information on how to prevent mold, give us a call at 248-333-3987, or request a free estimate.